
Thank you for using the online registration for doctoral candidates at HM University of Applied Sciences.

Wenn Sie sich auf Deutsch registrieren möchten, klicken Sie bitte auf die obenstehende Flagge.

Please note:

  • docDaten is not a system for submitting applications.
    Please fill in your data only after you have come to an agreement with a professor willing to supervise your doctoral project.
  • If you are searching for a supervisor, please read our advice at (www.hm.edu/gs).
  • Your Registration at docDaten is the first step of your admission as a doctoral candidate. Make sure that your data is correct, it will be used during the admission process.
  • Have your resume and references at hand for the registration.
  • You’ll find explanations next to the entry fields.


  • Data entry – submit registration
  • You’ll receive an email providing a link to download your Application form to Admission.
  • Complete application form, add required signatures and documents and hand in everything at the respective examinations office (address can be found on the form).
  • Upon receipt of the documents, your account will be activated and you will receive an email providing information how to login to docDaten.

For questions or suggestions, please contact promotionszentren@hm.edu Thank you very much!


Registration with DocDaten does not constitute an application for admission to doctoral studies in accordance with § 20 of the Framework Doctoral Regulations (RPromO) of Munich University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg Tech and OTH Regensburg, dated January 17, 2024. Registration alone does not confer the right to receive supervision by a person authorised to supervise within the meaning of Section 13 RPromO for a doctoral project, nor does it confer any entitlement to any other services from Munich University of Applied Sciences in connection with a doctoral procedure. The doctoral procedure is governed solely by the provisions of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz), the provisions of the relevant Framework and Subject-Specific Doctoral Regulations and any agreements with the supervisor.

Start Registration